Tuesday, January 5, 2010

state of the craftsmanshit address twenty ten edition

ferrule stations being cut
exciting eh?  for me yeah

ooh ooh ooh sexy two weight in drying cabinet
you want this 
you really really want this
too bad I ain't selling

(pics added)
at least that's what's on today's docket
immediately following a breakfast beer
one of the great thing (the ONLY great thing?) about being a rod maker

on to the state of the craftsmanshit...
while I feel as though I've achieved my goal for the first part of the az rodwork season
it has been a struggle

I do have two brand spanking new smallstream rods
gin clear and skinny 6'0" 1 wt degere taper
too little water 6'8" 2wt degere taper  (second dipping this afternoon)
I've an additional 1wt blank awaiting ferrules and fixtures 
and a beastly 9'0" 7wt in the same boat

I cannot see finishing the beast unless I've a trip to steelhead or bonefish country in the works
even then I'll need a graphite (read plastic) backup
as I also cannot see casting that damn thing all the livelong day

I've neglected fly tying to my great regret
I need to rectify that and hope to tie a half dozen winged wets this afternoon/evening
hey the life of a rod maker is a busy one

also find myself lamenting the loss of the last real flyshop in the country's 
sixth (!) largest city
arizona flyfishing has announced that they're closing shop shortly
while my visits were few and far between I'll miss it dearly
the thought of visiting the big box corporate outlets for their shittily supplied materials
just turns my fucking stomach

I urge my dear reader(s) to support their local independent flyshops and custom rod makers
all the while flipping a bird at the corporate bigwigs
who continue to brainwash us 
that lighter and faster and cheaper (or more expensive) is the new cutting extreme edge of the market
you know who they are
I'd like to see them take it in the ass just like the rest of us have

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