Saturday, August 8, 2009

maybe I should try to be funny and shit...

or snarky, but I don't think so.  not much has been happening at ye olde rod shoppe that wrocks.  it's been too got am hot to work and I'm lazy.  I've tied several handsful of flies but haven't lifted a finger as much as building rods goes.   hell I don't even know what my next rod will be taperwise sizewise or anywise.  so I'm making up words again...

foods I could eat everyday:

-p-nutt butter
-cheeseburgers.  grilled and ate one everyday for lunch for two consecutive weeks recently.
-beans served in any number of ways
-TACOS!  my wife would never make me tacos everyday.  never.  and hers are the best.
-ice cream novelty treat of some kind.  I've been pretty good at this one lately too.
-bbq.   pulled pork or brisket or both.  sauced by something I whip up.  serve w/ baked beans.
-corn on the cob.   butter salt
-butter and salt
-pancakes butter and syrup
-spaghetti or lasagna either one.
-enchiladas?  hell YES!
-fiddle faddle
-beer.  a six pack or so...

foods it's unlikely I'll ever eat again:

-brussels sprouts
-iced tea.  is that a food?
-stir fried anything
-baby food
-any chip that's not potato or corn
-cognac.  YUCK.  brandy also.
-anything vegan.  fuck that noise.  I am carnivore.
-flavored coffee.  don't get me started.  wifey whips up a nauseating milkshake every morning.
-cashews.  I'm allergic.

that's enough for now.  still alive and well.  maybe I'll take some pics of some of the flies I've been tying.  or not.

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