Sunday, January 2, 2011


I don't make them
there are so many things that I could resolve to do
only to let myself down when I fail to follow through on any of them
so I don't bother

on the other hand I could make a handful of self-serving and indulgent ones
but that's contrary to the nature of the damn thing
of course I want to golf more and lower my handicap
(as if three rounds a week isn't enough)
or go out and fish more
who doesn't want that?

nevertheless I intend to do just those things
just without resolving to do so
thus revealing what a selfish and self-centered bastard I truly am
I guess I just did that

I do want to continue to do whatever I can to help my friends and family
and gift a few lucky folks w/ a nice fishing pole
do what I can to become a better husband
a better cook
expand my palate and repertoire of techniques
fix one more meal a week
pleasing my wife coming home from work 
to a home cooked meal w/ the enticing aroma that entails

my walk w/ Christ is always a struggle
necessary as it is to my growth as a man and a Christian
forgiveness is in my nature
though my vices are always a battle
(if you know me you know what I'm talking about)

having said that 
I should smoke less drink less stop cussing work harder and more often
spend less exercise more make better choices and decisions
indulge the wife instead of myself
watch less football and golf on tv
do more to serve the Lord
and follow so many other paths to improve myself

yet to resolve to do so is to set myself up for failure
and I won't do that
but apparently I know what I need to do


Anonymous said...

...selfish and self-centered bastard...

Well, that pretty much sums it up. Good luck improving on that in 2011.

mijo said...

thanks for reading.
being less than honest w/ yourself about yourself is delusional.

AZWanderings said...

I decided to offer something more positive. This is by far one of the most insightful and self aware new years resolutions as I have ever come across. Good luck in the new year...

mijo said...

thanks ben, I appreciate that.

keep up the good work @ AZW. let's hit the rim one bluebird day this spring.

AZWanderings said...

I would really really enjoy that. Stay in touch and we'll put something together when those wild rim trout can't resist the dry fly. Thanks again for the kind words.


Anonymous said...

That's hilarious mikey. I absolutely agree you shouldn't even try to resolve. If anything you'll be worse than last year.

One of those bluebird days sounds good to me too.


mijo said...

I'll fish with you any day amigo. you know that.
say the word and we're on it.