Tuesday, December 27, 2011

year-end photo dump

just a few shots I cherry-picked
while looking through the iphoto library...

almost always my first selection for fishing...

brother in bamboo mike shay's adventure continues...
hopefully in a better place

you just know that there's a slob in there somewhere
I never did find him

guinness braised short ribs - my word!

a favorite shot of steve - back in the day

beloved wife anita on some of the best water in the west

stacked enchiladas and frijoles

this pic isn't so great, but I do like the texture indicated by the cheese on the beans
that red chile sauce is incendiary

1 comment:

Shay said...

Why does every picture you post of that Shay fook look like he's been djrinkn for the last 12 hours?

That Steve guy looks right smart and it looks like you married over your head with Anita...jus' sayin'.

I'm going to miss you brother...