Thursday, March 24, 2011


considering this logo adaptation for hats, t-shirts etc...


Arizona Wanderings said...

I like it, but then again I also liked the first one. I vote yes...

mijo said...

I like the first one too.
when you downsize it though the details become indistinguishable.

that pic is semi-famous btw. it's used in the abrba ad. schliske shot it. got it ten minutes after we started fishing. I tried to get my wife to get a bent rod shot for ten years and matt nailed it in ten minutes.

twas also my first trout on bamboo. 14" brookie ont he rio g w/ schliske rod. had my graphics guy turn it into a line drawing. I need to get him to clean this one up a bit as well. also want it for business card w/ middle left blank and filled w/ contact info.

btw I'll send ya a sticker of the logo if you want. email me at addy above or just stop buy and stick some bass...

again, thanks for reading.

Arizona Wanderings said...

Very cool Mike. I would love to stop by sometime and check out your shop as well as chase some bass. I'm coaching right now but the season should be over after next week. Maybe I could swing by one evening and snag a bass or two. Couldn't find your email, so feel free to hit me up at Thanks again.
