Wednesday, January 12, 2011

bird fighting fish

they've drastically lowered the level of my backyard lakes
exposing some very interesting structure
undercut banks beneath the reedbeds
a perfect place for grampa bucketmouth to lurk
awaiting prey

though that's not what I want to type about...

yesterday I was fortunate enough to watch a heron hunt for about half an hour
every two to three steps his head and very shark beak would stab slash and swallow
it was cool

then this morning I saw a fairly large fish flash on two small birds
robins?  I dunno...

anyways I wrote down the phrase "bird fighting fish"
googled and image searched it 
and came across these two cool images...

*update*  wow - turns out this post/pic was rather prescient
I just watched one heron chase another off his turf on the backyard bass pond
pretty fuggin' cool

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